Monday, December 6, 2010

Confessions of a Crazy Person

Things are about to change.

I've been up and down and all over the place this past year when it comes to my schedule.  Just over a year ago I left my structured, stable office job to do some random, spontaneous event planning.  There are many things I have loved about having a flexible schedule and working from home.  Nothing beats spending the morning in your PJs and taking a nap in the afternoon.

It's time to move on though, to what works best for me.  I need structure, I need clear expectations, I need consistency.  I've tired to set up a schedule for myself but I never stick to it.  With no one holding me accountable, it's just much too easy to spend an extra 30 minutes on Facebook, or to put off calling that client who needs prices.

So even though I will greatly miss the ability to spend quality time at home and with friends, I think there will be great joys that come from finding my sanity again.

I've thought a lot about my flexible time, what I previously would have described as "freedom."  What I discovered though is that there is no freedom in a chaotic schedule, for me.  Without structure I'm a mess, I'm unproductive, and I'm stressed.  I don't like the person I've been this past year.  I've been lazy, I haven't been punctual, I haven't been a hard worker.

So for a crazy person like me, freedom comes from structure and consistency.  I've already begun planning my new daily tasks.  Between 5:30 am and 5:30 pm, I want my hours to look relatively the same.  No more, "Mondays I'll do this, then Tuesdays I'll do this, and Wednesdays I'll start later" and so on.  It doesn't work for me.

Office jobs are tedious and mundane, true.  But I find joy in being organized, in checking things off my list, in seeing a color coded calendar.  I know, again - crazy!  But it's true.

I'm thankful for the new opportunity God has presented to me and am hopeful for an exciting year.