Friday, November 12, 2010

Two Paths

It seems as though we have two different paths set before us that we could choose to take at this point in our lives.  Well, sort of.  We can't take either without some divine intervention, but if things were to work out these paths would be open options for us.

Path #1:  Stay exactly where we are and keep living life as we have been for the past year, Jenni to get a more stable full-time job to provide for the family until Jeff graduates, potential to receive a child sooner if that job were to come along, may or may not get to keep the roommates since the house is small.

Path #2:  Move to a bigger house in/near downtown Bryan, play a greater role in the community there, Jenni keep working at current job and start up side business, lots and lots of roommates, not sure what would happen with the adoption situation (may depend on finances).

Here's what I'm struggling with:  Path #1 is safe, manageable, and predictable but overall could be pretty boring.  Path #2 is terrifying, unknown, and challenging, but may be more exciting and lead to a more fulfilling life.  The "Jesus" thing to do is Path #2, of course.  The disciples followed him even though they didn't know what to expect and things would be really hard for them.  That's the life we're supposed to live as well.

But deep down, in the center most parts of my soul, I don't feel that God is saying yes or no to either path.  I feel like He's giving us a choice and no matter which one we choose He is going to be pleased with us.  Path #1 may not put us smack dab in the middle of homelessville, but it will continue to give us opportunity to love on those we interact with every day at work and at home.  So it would not necessarily be a bad choice.

That one seems like the easy choice though, the safe choice.  I don't know if I'm ok with taking the path that would require less of me.  But I also don't know if I'm prepared for the other, either.  It would be hard, a lot of sacrifice, am I ready for that? 

Good news is I can't really make any choice until the doors are opened, meaning we qualify to buy a house or I'm offered another job.  I'm one that always like to think through the possibilities though so I know what my answer will be when that time comes.  It's a little crazy, I know.